How to sew an ottoman with your own hands?

Dilute the interior, make the room more comfortable - very simple. This will help you multi-colored soft, comfortable, and most importantly, an exclusive Ottoman from our master class. We suggest you to get acquainted with an extremely simple technique for making a bright home ottoman. How to make an ottoman with your own hands? Simply!

For the manufacture of Ottoman from our master class will need:

  • pattern,
  • colorful fabric for the front part,
  • lining fabric
  • fabric for the bottom of the padded stool,
  • two big buttons and two reinforcing pads to them,
  • filler for padded stool (synthetic winterizer),
  • chalk for fabric, thread in color, sewing needle, pins, scissors, sewing machine.

We sew a rainbow ottoman, so the pattern will look like a single object, in a shape resembling a triangle. You can change the dimensions based on the desired result. The main thing is that all parts are the same. You will need thirty-six triangles, twelve for the front side, twelve for the lining, and twelve for the bottom. Sample Pattern padded stool in the master class - see figure.

When all twenty-four pieces are cut, proceed directly to the tailoring. How to sew a ottoman well shown in the photo.

First, gently fasten the two facial tissue on the canvas, with the outer side to each other, on both sides we attach the seamy fabric, fasten with pins and sew on a typewriter.

Iron the seam.

How to make an ottoman with your handsand to make the seams perfect? To do this, carefully follow the evenness of the seam and the exact hit of the acute angle of the triangles in the middle. If you are in doubt that you can do the job smoothly, act in stages, first sew the pairs, and then sew them in stages in stages.

As a result, you should have two “rainbow” circles with the same diameter. Congratulations, you already know almost everything about how to sew a ottoman.

Next, proceed to the connection of the upper and lower parts. We connect two circles with the front sides, carefully peeling off with pins in a circle. We sew on a sewing machine. One third of the circle is left untreated, it is through it that the filler will be laid.

Again, sew the seams with an iron, this will give a neat look to the finished product.

Two more stages and you can already safely share your experience with your friends on the question of how to sew a ottoman. We turn out the resulting “pancake” on the front side, fill the future padded stool with a synthetic padding through the hole left and sew up the remaining part of the fabric with a secret seam.

So, how to make an ottoman with your own hands, you already know, and now we are learning how to sew on buttons correctly, so as not to damage the stretched fabric.

Take a long needle, be sure to have strong, durable threads and a special lining. Behind the lining does not necessarily go to the store, you can use an iron washer from the stocks of her husband. Now we place the puck first on one side of the pouf, in the middle, pierce it with a needle through and sew it with the puck on the reverse side. We act in such a way that at least eight stitches are left on both washers. More is better - it will provide the most secure fit. It is important not to overdo it and not to make the tension between the two “poles” too strong, the puck should “sink” just a couple of centimeters. After, we sew already to the surface, any cute button, with a diameter larger than the washer.

Our charming ottoman is ready to delight you and surprise guests.

Watch the video: How to Make a Floor Pouf Ottoman. a Shabby Fabrics Sewing Tutorial (April 2024).

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