Installation of ceiling tiles: the choice of materials, preparation, work order

Installation of tiles on the ceiling - a job that even a layman can do. Ceiling tiles are made from lightweight synthetic material - polystyrene. In production, it is simple, at a price very budget. The use of ceiling tiles will allow you to quickly put in order even the most uneven ceiling, hide cracks and other defects, while the budget of work will be very modest.

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of polystyrene ceiling tiles. Whatever you choose for installation, make sure to check its quality when purchasing:

  • The density of the material should be uniform over the entire surface;
  • The edges of each of the tiles should be smooth, without splitting off;
  • The drawing (or relief, if any) must be free from defects;
  • Ceiling tiles should not differ in hue color.

Materials and tools needed to install tiles on the ceiling


  • ceiling tile,
  • glue,
  • primer,
  • putty.


  • metal spatula,
  • brush,
  • roulette,
  • rope or sturdy thread
  • masking tape
  • paint knife
  • roller,
  • cloth napkins.

Preparing for sticking ceiling tiles

Before you start installing the tile on the ceiling, prepare the surface on which you will mount it. Since the weight of each ceiling tile is very small, it does not require strong adhesion to the ceiling surface. But if whitewashing remains on it, it is better to eliminate its remnants, otherwise the tile may fly off over time. Too large irregularities are also best removed. This is done in the following order:

  • Clean off the remains of whitewash or other coating with a metal spatula;

  • Apply a thin layer of putty material to the cleaned surface, let it dry;

  • Using a brush, apply a primer over the putty. Usually used diluted to the desired consistency glue PVA.

Marking before installing the ceiling tile

Laying tiles on the ceiling in two ways:

  • parallel to the walls

  • diagonally to them.

In the first method, the edges of the tiles are parallel to the walls, in the second - at an angle. Which way to choose depends on the size of the room, its geometry, as well as the type of ceiling. If the room is long and narrow, it is better to choose the diagonal direction of laying, this technique will allow you to visually change the unfavorable proportions.

Tip: If the room is large, the diagonal arrangement of the tile will look more advantageous than the parallel one. In large square rooms, you can use both methods.

Installation of tiles on the ceiling can also be carried out in different ways:

  • from the chandelier (from the center of the ceiling),
  • from the corner of the room.

Diagonal packing, as a rule, starts from the center, and the parallel one can be carried out in both ways. Both the layout and the installation of the ceiling tile are somewhat different in both versions.

Installation of tiles on the ceiling from the center

For marking in the center of the ceiling, we draw 2 lines perpendicular to each other, each of which is parallel to the wall. You can do this with thread and tape. Thus, on the markup, 4 right angles are joined at one point.

For the diagonal method of gluing ceiling tiles, right angles should be divided in half (45 degrees), and the marking lines should be laid along their diagonals. This is the case if the room is square.

If its shape is closer to the rectangular one, the marking for the diagonal mounting of the ceiling tile is carried out as follows:

  • We connect the corners of the room by diagonals;
  • Through the intersection point we draw 2 lines parallel to the walls;
  • The resulting 4 right angles are divided by diagonals and marking lines are drawn along them.

When glueing the ceiling tile, glue is applied to each of the tiles immediately prior to installation; you do not need to do this in advance. After applying the glue, the ceiling tile is pressed tightly to the surface, held for a few minutes, and then released and proceeds to apply the adhesive to the next tile.

The procedure for sticking:

  • The corner of the first tile when gluing tiles on the ceiling is laid exactly in the center, and then follow the markup.
  • The first four tiles on the ceiling are laid out in marked squares, trying to do it as accurately as possible.
  • The tiles in the corners and near the walls are cut to size with a paint knife.
  • Formed at the joints of the gap filled with acrylic sealant.

Installation of ceiling tiles from the corner

The marking of the ceiling in this case, start from the corner of the room, which is called the "base". This is usually the angle that is best seen at the entrance. One of the walls of this corner is also called the “base”, usually a longer wall (in a rectangular room).

To mark in both corners of the base wall, retreat from it by the size of the tile plus one centimeter for the gap and put marks there. Between the marks we stretch the thread and fasten it with scotch tape. Thus, it turns out a guide line marking, along which we begin installation. Gluing is not from the first, but from the second tile, as the first is fixed with adhesive tape that interferes with the work.

Important: When installing the ceiling tiles do not neglect the markup! There are no absolutely straight walls, in the middle of the work you may find yourself in a situation where nothing can be fixed: there is a wide gap between the tiles and the wall.

The procedure for sticking:

  • Apply glue to the tile (just put a small amount of glue on the center of the ceiling tile and at its corners);
  • Place the tile in place, press and hold it for a few minutes;
  • If during installation the glue has protruded beyond the edges, remove it immediately with a soft, clean cloth;

  • Glue the ceiling tiles in successive rows;
  • Cut the tiles in the last row to the size with a painting knife;
  • If small gaps form between the tiles on the ceiling, seal them with sealant.

Watch the video: How to Install a Drop Ceiling. Armstrong Ceilings for the Home (April 2024).

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