Florarium do it yourself

Create a special interior in the apartment or house will help miniature gardens behind the glass. A piece of nature, brought to the ordinary situation, will fill the room with bright natural paints. It is very simple to make a florarium with your own hands, rather step by step to follow the instructions. The creative process requires patience, low financial and time costs, but it looks much more impressive than ordinary flowers in pots.

About florarium

Compositions of plants in transparent containers live in a closed environment. All kinds of natural processes take place in such walls: photosynthesis, growth cycle, liquid nutrition. To create a natural accessory you can use any glass object - aquarium, decanter, jar.

The main advantage of a bottle garden is compactness. Mini-flower garden easily fit on the windowsill. The decor will perfectly fit into any interior, but it will look especially harmonious in eco style.

This method of phyto design was used in the Victorian era. The forerunners of modern florariums were large boxes with glass inserts. They brought exotic plants to Europe. Having adopted the idea, the Europeans began to grow moisture-loving, whimsical greens in unfavorable regions for it. These were ferns, orchids, anthuriums.

Types and devices

Depending on the type of container, the shape of the planted plants, miniature greenhouses behind glass are divided into several types. From a botanical point of view, the florarium can only be closed with limited access of air from the room. In such products create the most favorable atmosphere for fastidious plants, optimum humidity and temperature. There are also dry gardens with sand that do not require watering.

Florariums with open access to plants are more common. The ecosystem in a glass or aquarium is also individual, but concentrates on the bottom of the tank. It can be single plants or the whole group. You can make single-tiered, multi-tiered compositions.

What capacity is suitable

Create live accessories from the most unusual glass objects. They differ in a geometrical form, the size, decorative elements. Depending on the type of container you get the following natural greenhouses:

  • Aquarium. Suitable containers of any shape (round, square) open, closed type. You can engage in planting a variety of plants, use any decorative drainage;
  • Bottle Create from any vessels with a narrow neck, large capacity. Plants that are not distinguished by rapid development are planted in such a container. The craft is difficult to give a beautiful appearance. Great for wood greens.
  • Wall mounted. Products are distinguished by the possibility of hanging on the wall. They are much smaller than the floor. May be closed and open;
  • Mini-florariums. For the manufacture of compositions using small glass attributes: transparent Christmas decorations, cups, glasses, vases. Plants should also be miniature. Succulents, mini-violets, ivy and others will do.

Plants - Selection Guidelines

For ornamental bottle gardens suitable for low greenery with slow growth. If a composition of different species is created, then the highest specimen is placed in the center, medium ones are planted around it. The smallest are located at the edges. Plants growing in the same container should have the same requirements for care, be combined in color and texture. They can be collected independently in the forest, landing, buy in a specialty store. The following types are most suitable for a flower terrarium:

  • Mosses and ferns. Feel great in a humid environment. Sphagnum in the florarium is used to fill the space. This species of moss has a whitish to rich green color. They are masking the pots, wrapping snags. Fern use nephrolepis. A bunch of feathery leaves looks beautiful as a separate plant or background for a composition, it requires frequent thinning, as it grows quickly.
  • Beautiful flowering plants. The most beautiful garden for the glass recognized orchid. For the cultivation of whimsical plants requires a special design florarium, equipped with heating and ventilation systems. Saintpaulias (dwarf violets) grow surrounded by velvet leaves. It is also possible to plant cyclamen hybrids, gusmania, azalea, but on condition that they are stabilized by glycerol.
  • With unusual leaves. One of the most popular plants for florarium is fittonia. All its leaves have pink or white streaks. Only suitable for open aquariums. Crotons adorn the golden spots on the leaf plate. Green alokazi stretched, has a pointed shape.
  • For dry greenhouses. In such an environment, cacti and other types of succulents are usually grown. Plants are able to exist for a long time on their own moisture reserves. For them create special desert landscapes. Attention should be paid to echinopsis, rebution, prickly pear, and pulmonary varieties.

Soil for florarium

Soil should be selected based on the needs of the plant. Novice florists better to take ready-made mixtures and substrates. For self-preparation of universal purpose soil it is necessary to mix it with sand in a proportion of 1: 1. For succulents and cacti, a lighter soil is needed; two parts should be added to the sand.

Since there are no drainage holes in the florarium, artificial soil disintegrators are simply necessary. Spread pebbles on the bottom of the tank, cover them with moss or a piece of burlap and cover them with a layer of charcoal. For undemanding plants, the land can be taken from a vegetable garden or forest. It must be disinfected, because a moist environment is favorable for the development of mold and fungi.

If you need to create a composition of plants with different requirements for the soil, they are planted in pots, wrapping decorative fragments, for example, moss. This technique will allow you to care for each element individually.

Variants of composition and their features

The internal content of florarium is determined by its design. First of all, you should decide on the location of the decor and its type, whether it will stand on a table, a window sill or hang on a wall. Then choose the size and shape of the glass greenhouse, planting type. After a thorough study of the characteristics of each plant, possible neighborhood options, one can proceed to composing compositions.


Unpretentious florarium suitable for those who do not have enough time to care for plants. The main element of the composition are succulents (agave, cactus, aloe). They are able to accumulate moisture, ideal for arid areas. Miniature bushes will take root in any closed or open container. For soil use the ground, sand, decorated with ceramic chips, small pebbles.

The composition "desert" can consist only of plants in the sand or be supplemented with artificial elements. Well looked solitary cacti in a large vase or aquarium. Next to the central figure, stones of different sizes are placed, imitating the rocks; a mini-bonfire is made of sticks. For the full effect, you can add plastic figures of Indians, a toy car and other themed trivia.


The mountains

The basis of the composition is a high mountain landscape. Plants for such a florarium can be divided into two types: the inhabitants of the forest foothills and the greenery of the rocky semi-desert plateaus. Semidesert plants are characteristic for dry areas, moisture-loving ones for wooded forests. More often compositions make from gesneriyevy and climbing types.

If the mountains in the aquarium should be buried in verdure, the soil should be oily, saturated with organic matter and well drained. For desert compositions need to prepare pebbles. In the center of the vase have stones with sharp edges, chipped, irregularly shaped. Plants for florarium "mountains" do not require special care. Enough to maintain the desired temperature, add moisture as it evaporates. For a greater aesthetic effect, narrow containers should be used (rectangular aquariums, baskets).


The composition can imitate wet deciduous forest in tropical regions, coastal, multi-tiered forests. The basis of this decor will be green. It is not necessary to search for exotic plants. Competently selected available options will fully convey the idea. You can use one type of plant, placing it in one plane or more, landed in tiers. The highest and fastest growing, for example, ivy is placed on the background, low-growth planters are planted ahead, giving the opportunity to review all the elements of the composition.

Since all greens are planted in the same soil, it is necessary that it have the same requirements for it, the need for moisture. The soil should be of complex composition, include sand, leaf soil, peat. To maintain a constant humidity, a glass of water can be placed behind the glass by decorating it under a pond. If the open-type greenhouse, the plants should be sprayed daily from the spray.


Semi-closed florariums are an ideal place for growing naughty orchids. Such designs provide constant humidity and as close as possible to natural tropics. Their size can be any - both a rectangular glass box and an elongated miniature vase will look great.

For the growth of flowers is important to create favorable conditions. In an environment acceptable to other plants, they will be constantly in a depressed state. You can plant single flowers or combine them with other types of epiphates. It turns out a great composition, if you plant a fern at the bottom of the tank, peperomia. An orchid glass house can be called an orchidarium if the following conditions are met:

  • Installation of lighting. Use special fitolampy, but the usual - daylight;
  • Ventilation system. The glass construction should contain openings, fans for the inflow of fresh air;
  • Communications. Holes should be provided for electrical wires and other functional elements;
  • Fasteners, protective elements. Necessary to ensure the stability of the elements of the composition and preserve the isolation of the florarium.


Harmonious eastern crafts behind glass with a bonsai tree will fill the room with comfort and tranquility. A reduced copy of the natural element is complemented by stones, moss, greenery, wood chips and themed plastic figures. You can create a composition using different styles and types of plants. In a miniature version will look great:

  • Carboniferous landscape;
  • Pond and fountain;
  • Ferns and mosses;
  • Latin American design;
  • Grotto and other surface relief.


Creating a water garden, its maintenance requires great effort. Such a florarium imitates a real water body. It can only grow water-loving crops. Thanks to modern technology, the organization of indoor paludarium has become much easier and more accessible.

Capacity for water garden should be sealed. You can fill it with any plants that are usually used for aquariums or mini-gardens. Cryptocorynes, Lagenandras, Anubiasas will do. The ground part of the composition is formed by the cultures classical for such a design - cissus, tillandsia. If the upper area implies the presence of pots, you can use any moisture-loving plants. The back wall of the aquarium can be decorated with epiphytes, pebbles, shells.

Master class on the creation of florarium

To make a florarium with your own hands under the power of any person. Unique living objects do not require serious care, with the exception of some complex structures. Inexperienced florists better start with simple open options. As capacity you can use a high jar. The filler can be purchased at a special store or collected in a nearby park or landing. You can also dig up the soil and collect small stones.

Required materials and tools

Create a beautiful florarium possible from the most simple and affordable materials. The characteristics of the choice are influenced by the type of glass jar, complexity and filling of the composition. Before you begin, you should check the availability of the necessary materials and tools on the following list:

  • High transparent can;
  • Fertilized, disinfected soil;
  • Sand, small pebbles;
  • Wood, activated carbon;
  • Plants for the greenhouse;
  • Decorative items (plastic houses, ladders, slivers);
  • Tools: spatula, spray, watering can.

Tank preparation

Glass jar for florarium should not have chips and chirping. It should be thoroughly washed under running water without the use of chemical detergents. For heavy dirt, limescale, oily stains, you can use baking soda. Then the container should be covered with boiling water and degreased. Moisten a piece of cotton with alcohol and wipe it thoroughly. Particular attention should be paid to its lower part, where the drainage and soil will be located.

It is necessary to carry out the procedures for the preparation of the tank right before the start of the sleep of the soil. If work is to be postponed, the jar should be covered with a clean lid.

Go to the filling

If you are going to work with soil and plants, you should not forget about hygiene and safety measures, especially if greens and earth were gathered in a park or forest belt. Always wear protective gloves. Capacity filling should be carried out exactly with step-by-step instructions:

  1. Lay the drainage layer on the bottom of the can. This may be wood, activated carbon or a mixture of them. Then we place small pebbles or expanded clay. Drainage should be at least 3 centimeters;
  2. Pour the soil with a spatula and level. Immediately you need to sprinkle it with water from a spray bottle so that it settles well. Ground and drainage should take up one-third of the can;
  3. We separate the necessary amount of moss, sort the greens and prepare decorative elements;
  4. Create a landscape. We determine the location of each plant, make small notches in the ground with the finger and place seedlings in them. You must ensure that the leaves do not touch the walls of the aquarium, otherwise they will accumulate moisture and fungus;
  5. We spread moss, beautiful pebbles, slivers between the plants, arrange various figures and decorative elements;
  6. Water the florarium with filtered water and sprinkle the leaves out of the spray bottle.

Succulent semidesert in a candy bowl

The unusually beautiful florarium of succulents and cacti in the candy bowl is simple in design and care. To create a miniature living corner will require plants, shallow vase, candy, peat mixture, sand, small pebbles for drainage and decor for the upper layer.

First of all, we are preparing the basis for the landing. Carefully wash and disinfect the container. After the glass has completely dried, the bottom is laid with drainage. So that the roots of the plants do not rot, charcoal must be placed on top of the stones. We turn to the preparation of the soil - we mix peat with sand and put it in a thick layer. It should be at least 6 centimeters. Level the surface with a spatula and make indentations. Plants will look as natural as possible if they are planted at different distances from each other. After planting, we water the composition from a watering can with a divider.

Florarium can be decorated with any available materials. It can be pebbles, glass, figurines that fit the style. To make the semi-desert look, sprinkle colored sand on some areas between plants, level it with a brush. You can make indentations and low mounds.

Florarium from the aquarium

The previously used aquarium is a suitable container for creating a florarium. You can create your own green corner in just a couple of hours. Adhering to a certain sequence when laying layers and planting plants, guaranteed to get an original greenhouse. The course of the master class is as follows:

  1. Wash, dry, degrease the aquarium;
  2. We pour out drainage (pebbles, charcoal) to the bottom of the tank;
  3. We mix the earth with peat and we stack the main nutritious layer;
  4. Prepare the plants, remove the yellow leaves, free the root system from the adhering soil;
  5. Mark up the holes according to the intended composition;
  6. We place the roots of plants in the pits and lightly tamp down;
  7. Water just planted greens;
  8. We decorate the surface, adhering to the plan (we place moss, colored pebbles, sand).

How to care for florarium?

Miniature gardens resemble greenhouses due to the created inside environment. Any planted plant or whole composition requires some care. You should also monitor the purity of the tank itself. It must be wiped with a damp cloth on the outside, trying not to leave stains, otherwise they can spoil the whole picture. Caring for green areas is as follows:

  • Watering. Флорариум необходимо поливать умеренно, не допуская чрезмерного увлажнения. Закрытая экосистема лишена дренажных отверстий, излишек жидкости останется на дне емкости и приведет к корневой гнили, гибели растения.Moisten the soil should be only in the absence of condensation on the inner walls of the glass;
  • Crop. In the process of growing plants will occupy more and more space. But since it is limited, they will have to be cut and pinned. This will help maintain decorative. You should also remove the leaves with signs of fungal, bacterial disease.
  • Fertilizer. Make a lure should be only with a noticeable yellowing, discoloration of the leaves. Dosage should be minimal. Excessive fertilizer will lead to accelerated growth and accumulation of salts in the soil.

Where to place

The most comfortable place for florarium is the window sill on the shady side. The direct rays of the sun affect it negatively. Temperature rises inside the tank, which leads to disruption of natural processes. The exceptions are gardens with succulents. Flowering plants will be comfortable in places with diffused bright light. If there is no such place in the apartment, it is necessary to use artificial lighting, otherwise the flowers will tend to the window and lose their appeal. Ferns, fittonia better placed in the north, northeast. Moderate coverage will not harm them.

Florarium - an original decorative element. You can place a modern accessory on the coffee table. In the center of the room he will occupy a place of honor. A vase with succulents will look organic on a computer desk. You can add creativity to the decor, if you put it on books or magazines. Several single-type plants can be arranged symmetrically on the shelves. Hanging jars lined up will decorate any wall.


Creating a florarium with your own hands is not just an entertaining hobby, but also a good opportunity to display creative abilities. It is interesting to observe the growth of plants. This is a wonderful gift for both adults and children. Exotic compositions will revive the interior, make it stylish and original.

Watch the video: Making a Bottle Terrarium + Closed Terrarium Basics (April 2024).

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